CAVMA (Capital Area Veterinary Medical Association) is  a non-profit, professional association representing the Austin veterinary community.

For over 60 years, we have provided continuing education and networking opportunities for our hundreds of members. We focus our events on highlighting local specialists and clinics with topics of interest to our Central Texas membership.

We organize monthly, in person dinner lectures for our membership throughout Austin and allow limited sponsor opportunities to companies and organizations aligned with our memberships interests. Your companies donation to our tax exempt association allows precious face to face access with clinical veterinarians in the Austin area and a chance to directly present your message to a very busy and hard to access group, the practicing veterinarian. 

For information on sponsorship please message Dr TJ Palvino, president at

Upcoming events

Capital Area Veterinary Medical Association, CAVMA is a  a public charity, 509 (a)(2) under section 501(c)(3)

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